2022 숙박대전 캐시 최대 3만원 추가할인 이걸로 끝내세요

3.Kyte 1)Duplicate discount up to 50,000 won additional discount – 7% on initial payment of new subscription, 4% additional discount for existing members -Airtel privilege (15% discount on purchase of 1 airline ticket)

Korea Accommodation Exhibition 2022 with ESG: Korea Accommodation Exhibition 2022 with Korea Tourism Organization and numerous online travel agencies! Save up to 30,000 won and add additional benefits by travel agency! Have a safe trip with Korea Accommodation & Safety Travel Guide.ktostay.visitkorea.or.kr

8. My Real Trip 1) Total KRW 75,000 Coupon Pack 2) Up to KRW 10,000 additional discount for toss accommodation (first-come, first-served basis / once per person) 3) 1 million won travel subsidy automatic application (lottery 1 million points) 4) My Real Hocance / lowest guarantee accommodation coupon discount

16.ヤノルジャ1) 最大10% アーリーバードクーポン60日前予約時10% 最大5万ウォン 即時割引30日前予約時7% 最大5万ウォン 即時割引14日前予約時6% 最大5万ウォン 即時割引7日前予約時5% 最大5万ウォン 即時割引提供期間:4/1~4/30宿泊期間:4/8~7/282)割引費用を除いた純粋決済額10% 無条件ヤノルジャコイン払い戻し(最大1万ウォン)3)カード会社割引最大30%-5万ウォン以上決済時:トス10%(最大10%-1万ウォン)高速バス予約の場合、最大5%割引8)毎日午前11時テーマパーク50%割引クーポン – 無条件3千コインペイバッグ/毎週金人気テーマパーク特価

23. Tripbtoz 1) Over 70,000 won for accommodation – 10% discount on KING coupon (up to 30,000) / Application application

5. Jeju dotcom 1) Additional 5% discount on rental cars on Jeju Island (up to 30,000)

marcinjozwiak, 출처 Pixabay

20 22 fighting to stay cash and additional discount those together and I tried.Last year, the sudden and only closed the most people around this time but I was always been a member of the corona is to calm down, too bad I can but I don’t think that’s it. Don’t.How the past year !!!, are associated with diffusion of the new coronavirus repeated interruption restart from home. In November, 「 now seeing 1.3 million, 78 million people stayed to receive a privilege to issue 」 had left the house. 94 million dollars sales for an accommoda tion industry, and it’s a great hit in the corona, a travel amount of consumption billion won ($ 108 million) the great value is generated so that, right? Let’s the go-ahead to 2022 lodging a match before the delay be quick about this. Let’s go on a trip, I think we? Could you check it out in detail in a home page to every corner of the Republic of Korea) , please.

2. BUTLER LOUNDGE 1) 10,000 won additional discount for over 70,000 won stay

26.ハナツアー1)宿泊対戦の予約者ソフィテルアンバサダーソウル宿泊券贈呈-オープン最初の7日間予約した計5人抽選2)おすすめホテルタイムセール(4/7 10:00~4/14 09:59)ソウルロッテホテルワールド済州ヘビチホテル&リゾート済州、WEホテル済州ほか多数の釜山パークハイアット釜山大邱ホテル寿城大邱忠清ブラックストーンベルフォーレリゾート3)カード会社割引サムスンカード決済時、最大1万5千追加割引-10万ウォン以上/7千ウォン請求割引-20万ウォン以上/1万5千ウォン請求割引-5千マイルのお客様割引、マイレージ提供)

2022 accommodation benefit, as I predicted at the meeting online travel companies should make sure that a travel agency of Ota to issue a discount ticket me in 40 locations can be used. そのためか、各旅行会社ごとに自分たちの特典を広報するのに忙しいのですが。 Check once, the best like online travel company selected me as I tried (? ) prepared reduced.旅行会社は広報を自分たちの旅行会社のホームページで決済することを広報しなければならないので、2022宿泊対戦で提供する金額を合算して広告する場合が多いので、これは受け取ったとして! 追加で与える特典だけ書いてありますので、一度ずっと読んでみて気に入ったら旅行会社のホームページに行って予約を進行してください^^

4. Wimep 1) Up to 50,000 won additional discount with duplicate discount – 5% discount coupon for domestic accommodation (up to 50,000 won) – 10% discount coupon for credit card payment (Kookmin, Nonghyup, BC, Jeonbuk, Kakao Pay)

ロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.5분 이상 소요될 수 있으며, 영상의 길이에 따라 소요 시간은 달라집니다. 2022 숙박대전 둘러보기 재생 수11 0 topleft rightbottom마우스를 드래그 하세요360° Video도움말 MULTI TRACK멀티트랙의 트랙별 영상은 우측 관련영상에서 볼 수 있습니다.선거광고 안내 음소거00:00 | 00:30 화질 선택 옵션자동 자동 144p 270p 360p 480p 720p HD 1080p HD 화질 전체화면 00:00 00:06 00:12 00:18 00:24 광고정보 더보기초 후 SKIP초 후 재생SKIP광고 후 계속됩니다.SNS●●●●●●バンドTwitterFacebookブログカフェURL 주소복사HTML 소스544 x 306740 x 416936 x 5261280 x 720복사Flash 미지원으로 Object 코드 퍼가기 기능은 더 이상 지원되지않습니다.도움말 플레이어 URL 복사 레이어 닫기2022 숙박대전 둘러보기

2022 accommodation OTA is still in the new coronavirus infection that have not yet completed, a travel guidelines for introducing security to the customer.(1) of similarity of the new coronavirus infection symptoms not visiting the event entrance make a list of entering and leaving the guide to comply with the facility-classified and a three-day visit. wearing the mask 4 by the way to handle distance behind. (6) hand washing at any time did not eating food other than a place designated or disinfect.If symptoms, a travel health is given priority over, it is surely according to a management guide, please.

9. Tour service 1) 30% additional discount for the first 30 people every day (April 7th – April 9th) 2) Card discount – Up to KRW 10,000 for Hana card payment – Up to 10% additional discount for Lotte card TOUCH payment – Korean Air mileage (up to 1,500 miles per reservation)

(a) to (g) description as the Topaz / someone in the San Francisco out / Ha Tour / the discovery of a play whebu tour doctor a trip / sill polymer / / hotel district fwan and beads : sculpted in the stay and a mower end of the second round home / to play : The Complete the three – the additional special favor. – and formally post dated April 10, have created a benefit separate from the travel agency, and each is changed of the travel company read you a final confirmation in the home page, please.^ ^

17. Hyundai Card PRIVIA Travel 1. Domestic Accommodation First-come-first-served Plus Coupon 20,000 (Everyday 10:00~May 8) 2. Hyundai Card 3 % Instant Discount 3. Hyundai Card M points up to 20% OR Korean Air mileage accumulation up to 1,500 miles per reservation2022大韓民国宿泊対戦整理割引券発行及び宿泊予約2022年4月7日~2022年5月8日(1人当たり1回先着順発行)予約した宿泊施設入室時間2022年4月7日~2022年6月6日発行したクーポン有効期間発行後21時間(毎日午前10時~翌日午前7時)期間以内にキャンセル時に再発行可能 / 有効期間以後の予約取り消し時に割引券消滅割引券可能 使用先観光振興法、公衆衛生管理法などに登録された国内宿泊業所未登録宿泊施設、貸室、キャンプ施設及び外国人都市民宿業使用不可(ただし、上記の宿泊施設及び宿泊施設の場合、特別割引パク商品取り消し手数料案内感染症再拡散のような状況で政府の緊急事業中断など別途要請が発生した場合、顧客の商品取り消しによる払い戻し手数料は公正取引委員会の<消費者紛争解決基準>を重用して処理さ. guests immediate cancellation of the day before or on the day, however, is accommodation on the Basic Terms and Conditions shall apply when the refund is not available on a case-by-case basis.This information service people with disabilities, discount coupon issuing it is difficult to using guide call center customers or accommodation in Kakao Talk chat bots Kakao Talk service by utilizing a hotel discount coupon issuing * select exclusive channel fault with the tab ” South Korean ” South Korean battle to stay search stay match 」 「 [ tomodachi ]22. Honey Stay 1) First come, first served coupon / Up to 15% mileage 2) Unconditionally provided 3,000 won coupon for newly registered customersDid you know that the 2022 Accommodation War started?The travel industry, which had been stagnant in Corona, is wriggling.The expressway that wasn’t congested even when I went out to the nearby suburbs is gradually congested now.Now I’m moving to With Corona, so now I’m gradually returning to my daily life.14.11th Avenue 1) Card company discount up to 10% (up to 30,000 won) – SK pay X NH Agricultural Cooperative Card / SK pay X Hana Card / SK pay X card – Up to 30,000 won discount for 150,000 won or more 2) Small and medium travel agency discount coupon 10,000 won (up to 50,000 won)Reserved accommodation hours: April 7, 2022 – May 8, 2022 (first-come, first-served basis) Reserved accommodation hours: April 7, 2022 – June 6, 2022 (every day from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. the next day) can’t be reissued.Yes, however, cancellations on the day or one day prior to the imminent stay may not be refundable due to the individual terms and conditions of the accommodation.Information on issuing discount tickets for disabled customers: Issuance of discount tickets for disabled customers using the Kakao Talk Chatbot service カカオ Kakao Talk Run [Friends] tab “Korea Accommodation Contest” Search for Korea Accommodation Contest Channel Selection1. Hotel pass 1) Up to 30,000 won additional discount over 100,000 won and 5,000 won additional discount over 200,000 won and 10,000 won additional discount over 500,000 won 2) Card discount Shinhan Card The BEST + Up to 260,000 won discount on payment Naver Pay additional 1%18. Timon 1) Basic for each accommodation, up to 10% additional immediate discount 2) Discount by credit card company – KRW 2,500 to KRW 70,000 to KRW 10,000 to KRW 200,000 to KRW 20,000 to KRW 20,000 to KRW 50,000 to KRW 200,000 to KRW 20,00025.allmytour1)177万ウォン 韓国最多感謝クーポンパック贈呈(国内宿泊最大15万ウォン割引特典) – 最大15万ウォン重複使用 – 全9種58枚// ~2024年まで有効期間2)特級ホテル(朝鮮パレス江南の他3ヶ所)無料宿泊券イベント自動応募 – 朝鮮パレス江南 – ノボテルアンバサダー東大門プレミアスイート+ラウンジ – 汝矣島エグゼクティブアパートメントワンベッドスイート+2人朝食 – ノボテルアンバサダーソウル龍山スーペリア+2人朝食20. Enjoy Hotel 1) Welcome travel support fee for new application customers KRW 10,000 2) Apply for a free accommodation ticket at Hidden Cliff Hotel for one person event12. Tonight 1) 10,000 won extra discount tonightIn South Korea 20 22 and ordered to stay, isn’t it?Korea Tourism Organization and by the Culture, Sports and Tourism.There were all travel ‘, which is an online travel company 4.a domestic stay to attend a, which provides discount coupons that can be up to 30,000 won the event. (71.77 million won last year. discount coupon is issued has already begun.until next month on May 8, will be paid this month.But that doesn’t mean that receiving an unlimited.only once per one time without get to the issuance order of arrival, so we can go.it vanishes, and put them, I don’t you get it filled, and has a ^ ^ is then issued to the.The valid period at 10 a.m. to 7 a.m. the day everyday.It is an hour after the issue 2, and can not shall be completed by a reservation during that time.I will shall be extinguished to cancel after a valid term, you, please be careful!11.インターパーク1)毎日先着順1人最大5万ウォン決済時追加割引2)合計275万ウォン相当景品提供(マーケティング同意)3)35万ウォン以上決済時5万ウォン重複割引クーポン – (毎日先着順10人)11時、17時4)4月カード割引 – ロッテカード15万ウォン以上1万 – 農協カード15万ウォン以上1.2万 – サムスンカード15万ウォン以上0.8万 – KBペイ10万ウォン以上1万5)無条件参加するおすすめ景品イベント – ソノホテル&リゾート。 西帰浦カルホテル、龍平リゾート、ウェリーヒーリーパークそれぞれ1名、ハンファリゾート2名24. Auction 1) Over 70,000 won for accommodation – 10,000 won discount for payment over 150,000 won – 20,000 won discount for payment over 250,000 won 2) April card discount – 10% discount for Samsung card (up to 20,000 won) 3) 30,000 won for audit coupon (up to 500,000 won)Source: Korea Tourism Organization website (Korea Accommodation Daejeon) https://ktostay.visitkorea.or.kr/19. TRIPLE 1) First-come-first-served 100 people, additional 20,000 won, 10,000 won discount coupon issued every Tuesday 2) April card discount – Hana Card over 150,000 won / 50,000 won / 50,000 won discount 3) Bonus coupon 130,000 won 4) Automatic triple cash application28. Mouse market 1) Duplicate discount coupon provided – KRW 150,000 or over 10,000 / KRW 250,000 or over 22,000) Card company discount – 10% discount on Samsung card payment in April (up to KRW 20,000) Use 30,000 won appreciation coupon (can be used for payment over KRW 500,000)13.ヨギオッテ1)最大40%割引 – ポイント 既存会員5%、新規会員10%積立(最大2万ウォン積立) – 2泊以上連泊予約の場合、20%特価+2万ウォン追加割引 – レンタカー(計7.6万)、レジャーチケット(計0.4万ウォン)、旅行支援クーポンパック2)カード割引 最大10% – 7万ウォン以上の場合、カカオペイ – ホテル、ペンション10%(最大1万)/毎日1000人国民カード – 全宿(5千ウォン)/毎日480人ハナカード – 全宿(5千ウォン) – 全宿(毎日280人/280人) 3万ウォン以上の場合、カカオペイ – モーテル(3千ウォン)/毎日500人3)合計2千万ウォン景品応募 – 済州神話ワールド一ヶ月暮らし1人 – キャンピングカーウィネバゴ7泊8日レンタル1人 – シグニエルソウル2泊宿泊券3人 – パラダイスシティ1泊宿泊券Five 10 – the Apple Watch – 100,000 won coupon 20 a pension in a hotelThat’s how the 2022 Accommodation War started.Do you mean that the Korea Tourism Organization and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism will provide accommodation discounts? I looked into it in detail to go there. If you’re watching, just follow me. Follow MeAnd most important is providing lodging to start the game cash, right?When the charge is over 70 million won a place where a person is staying (70,000 one or ), 3 million worth of coupons will be paid.discount ticket will be paid 20,000 won less than a million won ((to 70, won ).It is not the case because your accommodations, all applicable.The sightseeing business method, the Public Health Law, and only registered in the national accommodation.registered and whether or not the room for rent are not subject.) gathered in the table below.27. One Pick 1) A 5-star hotel suite accommodation ticket worth 1 million won (including breakfast) will be given by lottery for 3 people 2) 10,000 points used immediately upon new membershipPlease also check the precautions!Depending on the emergency situation of government policy, the project may be canceled. / Due to the circumstances of our company and the Korea Tourism Organization, it may be changed or terminated early without further notice.7. Daily Hotel 1) 30,000 won coupon used for customers who pay over 70,000 won GOLD members up to 10,000 points 2) 200,000 won coupon pack providedNice to meet you. I’m With Taehoon.Korea Accommodation Exhibition 2022 with ESG10. WAUG 1) 100,000 won discount for over 70,000 won, 2) 26% discount for domestic rental cars 3) 10,000 won discount for restaurants nationwide6.THT(ザ·ヒュンダイトラベル)1)15,000ウォンアプリ決済専用クーポン(7万を超える場合に使用可能) – 毎日午前9時に先着順で支給2)再購入クーポンパック:THTを通じた宿泊対戦クーポンの使用のお客様 – 5/16一括支給 – 宿泊期間6/1~8/31 – 10/20/30万ウォン以上 1/2/3万割引3)新規加入者(4/7~5/8)限定スターバックスコーヒーギフトカード最大53%割引 – 即時割引最大3% – 現代カードMポイント使用15. TTBB1) KB2022 Coupon Up to 15% Discount (Up to KRW 30,000) – For KB Kookmin Card Members21.nextour1)カード割引-BCカード決済の場合、5万ウォン即時割引10/20/30/40/50万ウォン以上決済の場合、1/2/3/4/5万ウォン即時割引-カカオペイ最大1万ウォン即時割引7万ウォン以上決済の場合、7%即時割引(最大1万ウォン/月2回)2)新規会員トゥモ2,000キャッシュ即時支給3)宿予約の際、済州島尚孝院入場券全員贈呈(3万6千ウォン相当、4人基準)宿の再購入の際に使用可能な国内宿泊2万ウォン割引クーポン支給

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